代表取締役 社長執行役員 赤塚 武継




20周年を機に、MVV(ミッション、ビジョン、ヴァリューズ)を新しくしました。ビジョンスローガンは、「Go with fashion, make the goal」です。2018年に「Go with fashion」を掲げました。ザ・ゴールのみんなはファッションが好きで、ファッションができること、ファッションの力を信じて仕事をしています。今回そこに「make the goal」を加えました。クライアントをゴールに導くこと、その先にいるお客様やさらにその先の社会にまでファッションがつなげ、歓びを拡げてくれる。それがザ・ゴールのやるべきことだと思っています。


改めてFashionという言葉にはいろいろな意味というか解釈があると思いました。その中で今の僕が思う「The Fashion is」は「Style」かなと。ファッションにはもちろん身に纏うものそのものの意味もありますが、その人の考え方や流儀、雰囲気のような目に見えないものまで含みますよね。このアイテムを使ってるっていうことは、このクルマに乗ってるってことは、、のように、その人の嗜好や生活まで想像できちゃう。「Style」があるかどうか。自分からみたとき、外からみたとき「Style」があることは大事なことだと思っています。表面だけじゃない、その奥にある“芯”のようなものが「Style」なんじゃないかと。

What kind of company is The Goal?

The Goal was founded in October 2003, marking our 20th anniversary in 2023. The company was originally born out of client needs. At the time of The Goal’s founding, communication in the fashion industry was centered on magazines, therefore we started as a company that could support all marketing activities by providing services as one of the Dentsu Group companies, with professionals specializing in the fashion PR and magazine industry. It was the first company of its kind in Japan, and I believe it was a unique business model even on a global scale. We provide services in various areas such as media, digital, and PR in order to meet the needs of our clients by keeping up with trends and changes in society, while maintaining our fashion-centered focus.

What are your thoughts and what inspired the vision slogan?

On the occasion of our 20th anniversary, we have renewed our MVV (Mission, Vision, Values). Our new vision slogan is "Go with fashion, make the goal". We launched the "Go with fashion" slogan in 2018. Everyone at The Goal loves fashion, believes in what fashion can achieve, and the power that fashion can hold through our work. This time we added "make the goal" to the original slogan. We believe that fashion will lead our clients to their goals, further connecting them to their customers and extending to society, overall spreading joy to the industry. We strongly believe that this is what we should do. Just as design and art have become indispensable elements in business, the power of fashion can be useful in a wider range of areas, and in fact, we are increasingly contacted by clients outside the fashion industry. We will further utilize our knowledge and expertise to help fashion connect various services, and people.

What does "Fashion" mean to you?

That is a good question (laughs).
The word "Fashion" has many meanings and interpretations. Among them, "Fashion" means "Style" to me. The word ”Fashion”, of course, includes what you wear, but it also extends to other aspects that are not necessarily visible. For example, your way of thinking, your style, and even your character. A style can be defined as "using this item" or "driving this car", but it can also be associated with a person's taste and lifestyle. It is important to have a style, no matter how you look at it, from the outside or from your point of view. "Style" is not just on the surface but lives deep within us.